
Disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs
Disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs

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One irritating feature is that some tracks can only be played when the game detects sunlight, and others when it doesn't. Boktai gives you a sound test as a Bragging Rights Reward after collecting all the Silver Coins.

disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs

#Disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs Pc

I still don't think Ys VIII was ever of the quality of any of these outside of the PC port we're all dealing the wrath of now, unfortunately. Those were issues in the original Japanese version too but still something crappy NISA could have fixed for Kadokawa. THAT BEING SAID, the DLC stuff reminds me of RPG Maker Fes, a game from them I hated last year due to it literally requiring the DLC to even do much of anything, along with how the RPG Maker player app made dumping $40 pointless if you aren't already an expert from the PC versions, since the 3DS one barely teaches you anything and doesn't care if you upload a map without playtesting it. (save for that Witch knight game which got panned for it) Nothing that would seem to indicate a company that does these things all the time in the modern era, but comes off more as bad missteps from the past. Still, they all seem to be from games that came out before the time I started reviewing stuff from them, so they at least seemed to have improved with the crashing shit in recent years. When someone asked about this, they were told to use the English dub instead O Ending is not subbed when using Japanese. O Slumbering Boss battles cause freezes in Mugen Field (Note: this has been patched as of July 2014) O Elka introduced as the Hero of Water World when she's the hero of the Fire World O Can fail an area load after a battle forcing you to restart from your previous save O Created new bugs and glitches not seen in the JP release NISA released vouchers for a limited time as apology. Purchasing as a bundle unlocks it all, for the low price of $50. Purchasing content one by one locks certain content needed for 100% completion.

#Disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs free

O Fuuka and Desco were free DLC for the first month after release in Japan and Asia. O Game-crashing SKILLS (several Fire-based) O Downloading majin hinkao means you can't complete the collection book, effectively killing anyone going for 100% O Majin hinako unlocks item book collection slots because it assumes you have the other dlc characters. O They decided not to release all the dlc characters, but released the final character, majin hinako. O T hey fucked up the dlc characters so they don't have voices. O Name changing: Esty Erhart => Esty Dee (S T D = Sexual Transmission Disease, get it? XD)

#Disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs ps3

O PS3 overheating (Confirmed to be replicable by person who originally made the post) Still no official support a year from release, nor token mention of any such thing.) O Game-crashing bugs (rumor about a GameFAQs user fixing everything and mailed such solution/file to NISA. O Didn't tell the gamers idol events DLC would not be included, then, when brought to attention, denied any and all knowledge of such DLC. (bad translation, unfunny jokes/lines added to several dialogues which changed the characters personalities at times) O Very questionable localization quality.

disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs

O Neptunia 1 would crash on the dungeon leaderboard screen if it couldn't upload your score while you were on PSN for whatever reason. O Binary Field (DLC episodes) scam where they put out each chapter separate then a few days after a bundle pack which didn't work if you had downloaded the first episode.

disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs

O Typographical errors and untranslated text in various spots on top of their "translation" not even being remotely close to the japanese track and english voice track, what little there is, not even matching the text in some areas. O In order to fit English voice acting onto the disc, they cut approximately half of the Japanese voice-acted scenes, leaving many important plot points lacking appropriate impact. O NISA marketed the game based on Sex Appeal, when, in fact, AT2 was intended to be a more serious and thoughtful game, with less emphasis on cheap hooks and a greater focus on the plot, than Ar Tonelico Elemia O Localization introduced or exposed game-crashing bugs in the game. O Typographical errors, missing words, and shaky sentences, mistranslation of important game terms, inconsistently-adapted names O MK2: Lack of testing in the extra chapter leads to crashes when doing certain tasks if Ulrika is the main character instead of Raze: Student handbook and Job post usage crash the game. O MK1: Unnecessary and flagrant name changes to a variety of playable main characters. MK2's crash is rather easy to avoid, though. O Bad string handling leading to complete crash against specific bosses (AT1, MK2) / major part of the extra dungeon enemies (MK1).

Disgaea 2 dlc characters gamefaqs